トップ 一覧 検索 ヘルプ RSS ログイン


  • 追加された行はこのように表示されます。
  • 削除された行はこのように表示されます。
<B><FONT color="#0000FF">sos2.cgi 任意の場所</FONT></B> 
<TEXTAREA name="textfield" cols="100" rows="5" wrap="OFF">
#=======《 Sort ITEM 》==================================================#
sub sort_item {
	push (@editor,&quot;アイテムソート強化 Ver 1.01 &lt;A href='http://www.salion2.halfmoon.jp/soswiki/wiki.cgi' target='_blank'&gt;by SION & SOSWiki&lt;/A&gt;&quot;);
	push (@editor,&quot;アイテムソート強化 Ver 1.03 &lt;A href='http://www.salion2.halfmoon.jp/soswiki/wiki.cgi' target='_blank'&gt;by SION & SOSWiki&lt;/A&gt;&quot;);
	@sitems = @items if $_[0] eq 'i';
	@sitems = @pitems if $_[0] eq 'I';
	foreach (0 .. $#sitems) {
		($item,$sts,$price) = split(/△/,$sitems[$_],3);
		if ($Fm{'mode'} =~ /up/) {
			$no = sprintf(&quot;%04d&quot;,$_);
			if ($Fm{&quot;$_&quot;}) { $sitems[$_] = &quot;0$no△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			else { $sitems[$_] = &quot;9$no△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
		} else {
			if    ($sts =~ /Q[swat]/)                      { $sitems[$_] = &quot;90$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /(Sw|Kn|Kt|Ax|Gv|Bw|Mi|Wd|Yw)/) { $sitems[$_] = &quot;91$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /(Sh|Ys)/)                      { $sitems[$_] = &quot;92$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /(Ar|Ya)/)                      { $sitems[$_] = &quot;93$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /(Jw|Yt)/)                      { $sitems[$_] = &quot;94$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Ca/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;50$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Bg/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;60$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Rb/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;40$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Ss/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;41$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Ig/ &amp;&amp; $sp =~ /(Ws|As|Sc)/)    { $sitems[$_] = &quot;31$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Hb/ &amp;&amp; $sp =~ /Mf/)            { $sitems[$_] = &quot;19$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Fd/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;20$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Hb/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;21$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Di/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;10$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Lc/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;11$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Pi/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;12$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Oi/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;13$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Na/ &amp;&amp; $sp =~ /(Ws|As|Sc)/)    { $sitems[$_] = &quot;30$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			else                                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;00$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			if ($yoyaku)   { $sitems[$_] = &quot;0$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($price) { $sitems[$_] = &quot;1$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			else           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;9$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
	}	}
	@sitems = sort @sitems;
	foreach (0 .. $#sitems) {
		($temp,$item,$sts,$price,$other) = split(/△/,$sitems[$_],5);
		$sitems[$_] = join('△',($item,$sts,$price,$other));
	@items = @sitems if $_[0] eq 'i';
	@pitems = @sitems if $_[0] eq 'I';

<B><FONT color="#0000FF">sos2.cgi 任意の場所</FONT></B><br> 
<TEXTAREA name="textfield" cols="100" rows="5" wrap="OFF">
#=======《 Sort ITEM 》==================================================#
sub sort_item {
	push (@editor,&quot;アイテムソート強化 Ver 1.01 &lt;A href='http://www.salion2.halfmoon.jp/soswiki/wiki.cgi' target='_blank'&gt;by SION & SOSWiki&lt;/A&gt;&quot;);
	push (@editor,&quot;アイテムソート強化 Ver 1.03 &lt;A href='http://www.salion2.halfmoon.jp/soswiki/wiki.cgi' target='_blank'&gt;by SION & SOSWiki&lt;/A&gt;&quot;);
	@sitems = @items if $_[0] eq 'i';
	@sitems = @pitems if $_[0] eq 'I';
	foreach (0 .. $#sitems) {
		($item,$sts,$price) = split(/△/,$sitems[$_],3);
		if ($Fm{'mode'} =~ /up/) {
			$no = sprintf(&quot;%04d&quot;,$_);
			if ($Fm{&quot;$_&quot;}) { $sitems[$_] = &quot;0$no△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			else { $sitems[$_] = &quot;9$no△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
		} else {
			if    ($sts =~ /Q[swat]/)                      { $sitems[$_] = &quot;90$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /(Sw|Kn|Kt|Ax|Gv|Bw|Mi|Wd|Yw)/) { $sitems[$_] = &quot;91$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /(Sh|Ys)/)                      { $sitems[$_] = &quot;92$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /(Ar|Ya)/)                      { $sitems[$_] = &quot;93$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /(Jw|Yt)/)                      { $sitems[$_] = &quot;94$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Ca/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;50$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Bg/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;60$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Rb/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;40$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Ss/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;41$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Ig/ &amp;&amp; $sp =~ /(Ws|As|Sc)/)    { $sitems[$_] = &quot;31$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Hb/ &amp;&amp; $sp =~ /Mf/)            { $sitems[$_] = &quot;19$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Fd/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;20$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Hb/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;21$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Di/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;10$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Lc/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;11$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Pi/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;12$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Oi/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;13$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Na/ &amp;&amp; $sp =~ /(Ws|As|Sc)/)    { $sitems[$_] = &quot;30$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			else                                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;00$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			if ($yoyaku)   { $sitems[$_] = &quot;0$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($price) { $sitems[$_] = &quot;1$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			else           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;9$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
	}	}
	@sitems = sort @sitems;
	foreach (0 .. $#sitems) {
		($temp,$item,$sts,$price,$other) = split(/△/,$sitems[$_],5);
		$sitems[$_] = join('△',($item,$sts,$price,$other));
	@items = @sitems if $_[0] eq 'i';
	@pitems = @sitems if $_[0] eq 'I';

<B><FONT color="#0000FF">sos2.cgi # Sub Normal Action # Line653-655 </FONT></B> <BR>
<b>&amp;input('radio','mode','use_before','',"アイテムの脱着・使用&lt;br&gt;\n") if $mysp =~ /Tf/;<BR>
&amp;input('radio','mode','use_before','',"アイテムの使用&lt;br&gt;\n") if $mysp =~ /Tv/;<BR>
&amp;input('radio','mode','dump_before','',"アイテムを捨てる&lt;br&gt;\n"); </b><br>
<TEXTAREA name="textarea9" cols="100" rows="4" wrap="OFF">
#-DEL-	&amp;input('radio','mode','use_before','',&quot;アイテムの脱着・使用&lt;br&gt;\n&quot;)	if $mysp =~ /Tf/;
#	&amp;input('radio','mode','use_before','',&quot;アイテムの使用&lt;br&gt;\n&quot;)		  if $mysp =~ /Tv/;
#	&amp;input('radio','mode','dump_before','',&quot;アイテムを捨てる&lt;br&gt;\n&quot;);
#-END of DEL- SION0011v1.02-3-2/10
#-END of DEL- SION0011v1.03-3-2/10
<B><FONT color="#0000FF">sos2.cgi # Sub Use Before # Line806-825 </FONT></B> <BR>
<b>ルーチンの全て </b><br>
<TEXTAREA name="textarea10" cols="100" rows="5" wrap="OFF">
#-DEL-# Sub Use Before #
#sub use_before {
#	@rcdlines = &amp;get_user(&quot;$Fm{'id'}&quot;);
#	if (!$bg) { push (@msg,'何ももっていません'); return }
#	$fg = 'UB'; &amp;userout;
#	push (@msg,&quot;脱着・使用するアイテムにチェックをいれて$def_okボタンを押してください&quot;);
#	&amp;splititem('i');
#	&amp;form('start'); print qq|&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td colspan=2&gt;|;
#	foreach (0 .. $#items) {
#		($item,$sts,$price) = split(/△/,$items[$_]);
#		if ($sts =~ /Q[swat]/) {
#			&amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on',' checked','');
#			print qq|【$item】 \n| }
#		else {
#			&amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on','','');
#			print qq|$item \n| }
#	}
#	&amp;OKbuttoninform('n','use_after');
#	print qq|&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;|; &amp;form('end');
#-END of DEL- SOSWiki0011v1.02-3-3/10
#-END of DEL- SION0011v1.03-3-3/10
<B><FONT color="#0000FF">sos2.cgi # Sub Dump Before # Line985-1003 </FONT></B><BR>
<b>ルーチンの全て </b><br>
<TEXTAREA name="textarea13" cols="100" rows="5" wrap="OFF">
#-DEL-# Sub Dump Before #
#sub dump_before {
#	@rcdlines = &amp;get_user(&quot;$Fm{'id'}&quot;);
#	if (!$bg) { push (@msg,'何ももっていません'); return }
#	$fg = 'DB'; &amp;userout;
#	push (@msg,&quot;捨てるアイテムにチェックを入れ$def_okボタンを押してください&quot;);
#	&amp;splititem('i');
#	&amp;form('start'); print qq|&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td colspan=2&gt;|;
#	foreach (0 .. $#items) {
#		($item,$sts,$price) = split(/△/,$items[$_]);
#		$pc = int(substr($sts,0,4));
#		if ($sts =~ /Q[swat]/) { print qq| 装備中:【$item】\n| }
#		else { &amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on','',''); print qq|$item\n|;
#			   print qq| ($pc)\n| if $sp =~ /Fa/ &amp;&amp; $sts =~ /Li/;
#		}
#	}
#	&amp;OKbuttoninform('n','dump_after');
#	print qq|&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;|; &amp;form('end');
#-END of DEL- SOSWiki0011v1.02-3-4/10
#-END of DEL- SION0011v1.03-3-4/10

<B><FONT color="#0000FF">sos2.cgi # Main Program # Line230-235</FONT></B> <BR>
<b>if ($Fm{'mode'} eq 'dump_before') { &play_form } <BR>
if ($Fm{'mode'} eq 'dump_after') { &play_form } <BR>
if ($Fm{'mode'} eq 'goods_before') { &action_form } <BR>
if ($Fm{'mode'} eq 'goods_after') { &play_form } <BR>
if ($Fm{'mode'} eq 'use_before') { &action_form } <BR>
if ($Fm{'mode'} eq 'use_after') { &play_form } </b><br>
<TEXTAREA name="textarea14" cols="100" rows="5" wrap="OFF">
#-EDIT-if ($Fm{'mode'} eq 'dump_before')  { &amp;play_form	}
#if ($Fm{'mode'} eq 'dump_after')   { &amp;play_form	}
#if ($Fm{'mode'} eq 'goods_before') { &amp;action_form  }
#if ($Fm{'mode'} eq 'goods_after')  { &amp;play_form	}
#if ($Fm{'mode'} eq 'use_before')   { &amp;action_form  }
#if ($Fm{'mode'} eq 'use_after')	{ &amp;play_form	}
elsif ($Fm{'mode'} eq 'dump_after')   { &amp;play_form	}
elsif ($Fm{'mode'} eq 'goods_before') { &amp;action_form  }
elsif ($Fm{'mode'} eq 'goods_after')  { &amp;play_form	}
elsif ($Fm{'mode'} eq 'use_after')	{ &amp;play_form	}
elsif ($Fm{'mode'} =~ /sort_item/)	{ &amp;play_form	}
#-END of ADD- SOSWiki0011v1.02-4-5/10
#-END of ADD- SION0011v1.03-4-5/10
<B><FONT color="#FF0000">※ ソートの強化を行わない場合は、最後の elsifの行 は削除してご利用下さい。</FONT><BR></B> 
<B><FONT color="#0000FF">sos2.cgi # Sub Play Form # Line320</FONT></B><BR>
<b>&amp;dump_before if $Fm{'mode'} eq 'dump_before'; </b><br>
<TEXTAREA name="textarea27" cols="100" rows="2" wrap="OFF">
#-DEL-	&amp;dump_before if $Fm{'mode'} eq 'dump_before';
#-END of DEL- SOSWiki0011v1.02-4-6/10
#-END of DEL- SION0011v1.03-4-6/10
<B><FONT color="#0000FF">sos2.cgi # Sub Action Form # Line353</FONT></B> <BR>
<b>&amp;use_before if $Fm{'mode'} eq 'use_before'; </b><br>
<TEXTAREA name="textarea5" cols="100" rows="2" wrap="OFF">
#-DEL-	&amp;use_before if $Fm{'mode'} eq 'use_before';
#-END of DEL- SOSWiki0011v1.02-4-7/10
#-END of DEL- SION0011v1.03-4-7/10

<B><FONT color="#0000FF">sos2.cgi # Sub Player's Data # Line573-578 </FONT></B><BR>
<b>foreach $item (@items) {<BR>
($item,$sts,$price) = split(/△/,$item);<BR>
if ($sts =~ /Q[swat]/) { print qq|【$item】&lt;br&gt;\n| }<BR>
elsif ($price > 0) { print qq|$item⇒$price\G&lt;br&gt;\n| }<BR>
else { print qq|$item&lt;br&gt;\n| } <BR>
<B><FONT color="#666666"> ※ 改造法 タイプ1 ※ ソート強化を併せて行う場合</FONT></B> <br>
<TEXTAREA name="textarea28" cols="100" rows="5" wrap="OFF">
#-EDIT-	foreach $item (@items) {
#		($item,$sts,$price) = split(/△/,$item);
#		if ($sts =~ /Q[swat]/) { print qq|【$item】&lt;br&gt;\n| }
#		elsif ($price &gt; 0)	   { print qq|$item⇒$price\G&lt;br&gt;\n| }
#		else					 { print qq|$item&lt;br&gt;\n| }
#	}
	if ($Fm{'mode'} =~ /sort_item/) {
		&amp;userout; }
	if (@items) {
		print qq|&lt;SELECT name=&quot;mode&quot;&gt;\n|;
		print qq|&lt;OPTION value=&quot;use_after&quot; selected&gt;脱着・使用\n|;
		print qq|&lt;OPTION value=&quot;dump_after&quot;&gt;捨てる\n|;
		print qq|&lt;OPTION value=&quot;sort_item&quot;&gt;並び替え\n| if (!$def_so);
		print qq|&lt;OPTION value=&quot;sort_item_up&quot;&gt;指定品を上へ\n|;
		print qq|&lt;/SELECT&gt;&lt;HR&gt;\n|;
		foreach (0 .. $#items) {
			($item,$sts,$price) = split(/△/,$items[$_]);
			if ($sts =~ /Li/) { print qq|&lt;FONT color=&quot;red&quot;&gt;|; }
			if ($sts =~ /Q[swat]/) { &amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on',&quot; id=$_ checked&quot;,&quot;【$item】&lt;BR&gt;\n&quot;); }
			elsif ($price)         { &amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on',&quot; id=$_&quot;,&quot;$item⇒$price\G&lt;BR&gt;\n&quot;); }
			else                   { &amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on',&quot; id=$_&quot;,&quot;$item&lt;BR&gt;\n&quot;); }
			if ($sts =~ /Li/) { print qq|&lt;/FONT&gt;|; }
	} else { print qq|なし&lt;BR&gt;|; }
#-END of EDIT- SOSWiki0011v1.02-5-8/10
#-END of EDIT- SION0011v1.03-5-8/10
<FONT color="#FF0000">※ 文中に userout があります。getuser2度読み注意!</FONT><BR><BR>
<B><FONT color="#666666"> ※ 改造法 タイプ2 ※ ソート強化を行わない場合</FONT></B> 
<TEXTAREA name="textarea29" cols="100" rows="5" wrap="OFF">
#-EDIT-	foreach $item (@items) {
#		($item,$sts,$price) = split(/△/,$item);
#		if ($sts =~ /Q[swat]/) { print qq|【$item】&lt;br&gt;\n| }
#		elsif ($price &gt; 0)	   { print qq|$item⇒$price\G&lt;br&gt;\n| }
#		else					 { print qq|$item&lt;br&gt;\n| }
#	}
	if (@items) {
		print qq|&lt;SELECT name=&quot;mode&quot;&gt;\n|;
		print qq|&lt;OPTION value=&quot;use_after&quot; selected&gt;脱着・使用\n|;
		print qq|&lt;OPTION value=&quot;dump_after&quot;&gt;捨てる\n|;
		print qq|&lt;/SELECT&gt;&lt;HR&gt;\n|;
		foreach (0 .. $#items) {
			($item,$sts,$price) = split(/△/,$items[$_]);
			if ($sts =~ /Li/) { print qq|&lt;FONT color=&quot;red&quot;&gt;|; }
			if ($sts =~ /Q[swat]/) { &amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on',&quot; id=$_ checked&quot;,&quot;【$item】&lt;BR&gt;\n&quot;); }
			elsif ($price)         { &amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on',&quot; id=$_&quot;,&quot;$item⇒$price\G&lt;BR&gt;\n&quot;); }
			else                   { &amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on',&quot; id=$_&quot;,&quot;$item&lt;BR&gt;\n&quot;); }
			if ($sts =~ /Li/) { print qq|&lt;/FONT&gt;|; }
	} else { print qq|なし&lt;BR&gt;|; }
#-END of EDIT- SOSWiki0011v1.02-5-8/10
#-END of EDIT- SION0011v1.03-5-8/10

<B><FONT color="#0000FF">sos2.cgi # Sub Use After # Line831-832 </FONT></B> <BR>
<b>return if $fg ne 'UB';<BR>
&amp;splititem('i'); </b><Br>
<TEXTAREA name="textarea16" cols="100" rows="5" wrap="OFF">
#-EDIT-	return if $fg ne 'UB';
#	&amp;splititem('i');
	return if ($Fm{'icount'} != $#items);
#-END of EDIT- SOSWiki0011v1.02-6-9/10
#-END of EDIT- SION0011v1.03-6-9/10
<B><FONT color="#0000FF">sos2.cgi # Sub Dump After # Line1009-1010 </FONT></B> <BR>
<b>return if $fg ne 'DB';<BR>
&amp;splititem('i'); </b><br>
<TEXTAREA name="textarea17" cols="100" rows="5" wrap="OFF">
#-EDIT-	return if $fg ne 'DB';
#	&amp;splititem('i');
	return if ($Fm{'icount'} != $#items);
#-END of EDIT- SOSWiki0011v1.02-6-10/10
#-END of EDIT- SION0011v1.03-6-10/10

<B><FONT color="#0000FF">sos2.cgi # Sub Partner's Data # Line622-624</FONT></B> <BR>
<b>if ($sts =~ /Q[swat]/) { print qq|【$item】&lt;br&gt;\n| }<BR>
elsif ($price &gt; 0) { print qq|$item⇒$price\G&lt;br&gt;\n| }<BR>
else { print qq|$item&lt;br&gt;\n| }</b><br>
<TEXTAREA name="textarea15" cols="100" rows="5" wrap="OFF">
		if ($sts =~ /Li/) { print qq|&lt;FONT color=&quot;red&quot;&gt;|; }
#-END of ADD- SOSWiki0011v1.02-7-5(1)/5
#-END of ADD- SION0011v1.03-7-5(1)/5
		if ($sts =~ /Q[swat]/) { print qq|【$item】&lt;br&gt;\n| }
		elsif ($price &gt; 0)	   { print qq|$item⇒$price\G&lt;br&gt;\n| }
		else					 { print qq|$item&lt;br&gt;\n| }
		if ($sts =~ /Li/) { print qq|&lt;/FONT&gt;|; }
#-END of ADD- SOSWiki0011v1.02-7-5(2)/5
#-END of ADD- SION0011v1.03-7-5(2)/5

<B><FONT color="#0000FF">sos2.cgi # Sub Fight #</FONT></B> <BR>
<b>&joinitem('iI'); &fmsg('奪');</b><br>
<TEXTAREA name="textarea15_1" cols="100" rows="5" wrap="OFF">
#-EDIT- &joinitem('iI'); &fmsg('奪');
&fmsg('奪'); &joinitem('iI');
#-END of ADD- SION0011v1.03-7_1-1/1

<B><FONT color="#0000FF">perl/subsos.cgi 任意の場所</FONT></B> <br>
<TEXTAREA name="textarea18" cols="100" rows="5" wrap="OFF">
#=======《 Sort ITEM 》==================================================#
sub sort_item {
	push (@editor,&quot;アイテムソート強化 Ver 1.01 &lt;A href='http://www.salion2.halfmoon.jp/soswiki/wiki.cgi' target='_blank'&gt;by SION & SOSWiki&lt;/A&gt;&quot;);
	push (@editor,&quot;アイテムソート強化 Ver 1.03 &lt;A href='http://www.salion2.halfmoon.jp/soswiki/wiki.cgi' target='_blank'&gt;by SION & SOSWiki&lt;/A&gt;&quot;);
	@sitems = @items if $_[0] eq 'i';
	@sitems = @pitems if $_[0] eq 'I';
	foreach (0 .. $#sitems) {
		($item,$sts,$price) = split(/△/,$sitems[$_],3);
		if ($Fm{'mode'} =~ /up/) {
			$no = sprintf(&quot;%04d&quot;,$_);
			if ($Fm{&quot;$_&quot;}) { $sitems[$_] = &quot;0$no△$sitems[$_]&quot;;
			} else { $sitems[$_] = &quot;9$no△$sitems[$_]&quot;;
		} else {
			if ($sts =~ /Q[swat]/)                         { $sitems[$_] = &quot;90$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /(Sw|Kn|Kt|Ax|Gv|Bw|Mi|Wd|Yw)/) { $sitems[$_] = &quot;91$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /(Sh|Ys)/)                      { $sitems[$_] = &quot;92$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /(Ar|Ya)/)                      { $sitems[$_] = &quot;93$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /(Jw|Yt)/)                      { $sitems[$_] = &quot;94$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Ca/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;50$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Bg/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;60$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Rb/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;40$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Ss/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;41$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Ig/ &amp;&amp; $sp =~ /(Ws|As|Sc)/)    { $sitems[$_] = &quot;31$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Hb/ &amp;&amp; $sp =~ /Mf/)            { $sitems[$_] = &quot;19$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Fd/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;20$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Hb/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;21$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Di/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;10$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Lc/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;11$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Pi/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;12$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Oi/)                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;13$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($sts =~ /Na/ &amp;&amp; $sp =~ /(Ws|As|Sc)/)    { $sitems[$_] = &quot;30$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			else                                           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;00$sts△$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			if ($yoyaku)   { $sitems[$_] = &quot;0$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			elsif ($price) { $sitems[$_] = &quot;1$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
			else           { $sitems[$_] = &quot;9$sitems[$_]&quot;; }
	}	}
	@sitems = sort @sitems;
	foreach (0 .. $#sitems) {
		($temp,$item,$sts,$price,$other) = split(/△/,$sitems[$_],5);
		$sitems[$_] = join('△',($item,$sts,$price,$other));
	@items = @sitems if $_[0] eq 'i';
	@pitems = @sitems if $_[0] eq 'I';

<B><FONT color="#0000FF">perl/subsos.cgi # Sub Join Item # Line49-52 </FONT></B> <BR>
<b>@items = sort(@items) if $_[0] =~ /i/ && $def_so;<BR>
$bg = join(',',@items) if $_[0] =~ /i/;<BR>
@pitems = sort(@pitems) if $_[0] =~ /I/ && $def_so;<BR>
$pbg = join(',',@pitems) if $_[0] =~ /I/; </b><br>
<TEXTAREA name="textarea18" cols="100" rows="5" wrap="OFF">
#-EDIT-	@items = sort(@items)	if $_[0] =~ /i/ &amp;&amp; $def_so;
#	$bg = join(',',@items)   if $_[0] =~ /i/;
#	@pitems = sort(@pitems)  if $_[0] =~ /I/ &amp;&amp; $def_so;
#	$pbg = join(',',@pitems) if $_[0] =~ /I/;
	&amp;sort_item('i')	if $_[0] =~ /i/ &amp;&amp; $def_so;
	$bg = join(',',@items)   if $_[0] =~ /i/;
	&amp;sort_item('I')  if $_[0] =~ /I/ &amp;&amp; $def_so;
	$pbg = join(',',@pitems) if $_[0] =~ /I/;
#-END of EDIT- SOSWiki0011v1.02-2-1/10
#-END of EDIT- SION0011v1.03-2-1/10

<B><FONT color="#0000FF">sos2.cgi # Main Program # Line90</FONT></B><BR>
<b>&amp;unlock; </b><br>
<TEXTAREA name="textarea19" cols="100" rows="3" wrap="OFF">
elsif ($Fm{'mode'} =~ /sort_item/)	{ require $formpl; &amp;play_form	}
#-END of ADD- SOSWiki0011v1.02-4-2/5
#-END of ADD- SION0011v1.03-4-2/5

<B><FONT color="#0000FF">perl/players.cgi # Sub Player's Data # Line30-49 </FONT></B><BR>
my($mn) = $#items + 1;<BR>
print qq|&lt;td valign=top&gt;アイテム$mn/MAX$xi&lt;br&gt;\n|;<BR>
if ( $sp =~ /Tf/ ) { &amp;input('radio','mode','use_after',' checked','着脱・使用&lt;br&gt;'); 
else { &amp;input('radio','mode','use_after',' checked','使用&lt;br&gt;'); 
foreach (0 .. $#items) {<BR>
($item,$sts,$price) = split(/△/,$items[$_]);<BR>
if ($sts =~ /Q[swat]/) { &amp;input('checkbox',"$_",'on',' checked',"【$item】&lt;br&gt;\n") 
elsif ($price > 0) { &amp;input('checkbox',"$_",'on','',"$item⇒$price\G&lt;br&gt;\n") 
else { &amp;input('checkbox',"$_",'on','',"$item &lt;br&gt;\n") }<BR>
print qq|なし&lt;br&gt;\n| if !$bg;<BR>
print qq|&lt;hr&gt;\n|;<BR>
print qq|&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;\n|;<BR>
<B><FONT color="#666666">※ 改造法 タイプ1 ※ ソート強化を併せて行う場合</FONT></B> <br>
<TEXTAREA name="textarea20" cols="100" rows="5" wrap="OFF">
#-EDIT-	&amp;form('start');
#	&amp;splititem('i');
#	my($mn) = $#items + 1;
#	print qq|&lt;td valign=top&gt;アイテム$mn/MAX$xi&lt;br&gt;\n|;
#	if ( $sp =~ /Tf/ ) { &amp;input('radio','mode','use_after',' checked','着脱・使用&lt;br&gt;'); }
#	else { &amp;input('radio','mode','use_after',' checked','使用&lt;br&gt;'); }
#	&amp;input('radio','mode','dump_after','','捨てる&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;');
#	foreach (0 .. $#items) {
#		($item,$sts,$price) = split(/△/,$items[$_]);
#		if ($sts =~ /Q[swat]/) { &amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on',' checked',&quot;【$item】&lt;br&gt;\n&quot;) }
#		elsif ($price &gt; 0) { &amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on','',&quot;$item⇒$price\G&lt;br&gt;\n&quot;) }
#		else { &amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on','',&quot;$item &lt;br&gt;\n&quot;) }
#	}
#	print qq|なし&lt;br&gt;\n| if !$bg;
#	&amp;input('hidden','icount',&quot;$#items&quot;,'','');
#	print qq|&lt;hr&gt;\n|;
#	&amp;input('checkbox','sort','on','','並び替える');
#	&amp;OKbuttoninform('n');
#	print qq|&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;\n|;
#	&amp;form('end');
	my($mn) = $#items + 1;
	print qq|&lt;TD valign=top&gt;アイテム$mn/MAX$xi&lt;BR&gt;\n|;
	if ($Fm{'mode'} =~ /sort_item/) {
		&amp;userout; }
	if (@items) {
		print qq|&lt;SELECT name=&quot;mode&quot;&gt;\n|;
		print qq|&lt;OPTION value=&quot;use_after&quot; selected&gt;脱着・使用\n|;
		print qq|&lt;OPTION value=&quot;dump_after&quot;&gt;捨てる\n|;
		print qq|&lt;OPTION value=&quot;sort_item&quot;&gt;並び替え\n| if (!$def_so);
		print qq|&lt;OPTION value=&quot;sort_item_up&quot;&gt;指定した物を上に\n|;
		print qq|&lt;/SELECT&gt;&lt;HR&gt;\n|;
		foreach (0 .. $#items) {
			($item,$sts,$price) = split(/△/,$items[$_]);
			if ($sts =~ /Li/) { print qq|&lt;FONT color=&quot;red&quot;&gt;|; }
			if ($sts =~ /Q[swat]/) { &amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on',&quot; id=$_ checked&quot;,&quot;【$item】&lt;BR&gt;\n&quot;); }
			elsif ($price)         { &amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on',&quot; id=$_&quot;,&quot;$item⇒$price\G&lt;BR&gt;\n&quot;); }
			else                   { &amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on',&quot; id=$_&quot;,&quot;$item&lt;BR&gt;\n&quot;); }
			if ($sts =~ /Li/) { print qq|&lt;/FONT&gt;|; }
	} else { print qq|なし&lt;BR&gt;|; }
	print qq|&lt;/TD&gt;&lt;/TR&gt;\n|;
#-END of EDIT- SOSWiki0011v1.02-5-3/5
#-END of EDIT- SION0011v1.03-5-3/5
<B><FONT color="#666666"> <BR>※ 改造法 タイプ2 ※ ソート強化を行わない場合</FONT></B> <br>
<TEXTAREA name="textarea21" cols="100" rows="5" wrap="OFF">
#-EDIT-	&amp;form('start');
#	&amp;splititem('i');
#	my($mn) = $#items + 1;
#	print qq|&lt;td valign=top&gt;アイテム$mn/MAX$xi&lt;br&gt;\n|;
#	if ( $sp =~ /Tf/ ) { &amp;input('radio','mode','use_after',' checked','着脱・使用&lt;br&gt;'); }
#	else { &amp;input('radio','mode','use_after',' checked','使用&lt;br&gt;'); }
#	&amp;input('radio','mode','dump_after','','捨てる&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;');
#	foreach (0 .. $#items) {
#		($item,$sts,$price) = split(/△/,$items[$_]);
#		if ($sts =~ /Q[swat]/) { &amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on',' checked',&quot;【$item】&lt;br&gt;\n&quot;) }
#		elsif ($price &gt; 0) { &amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on','',&quot;$item⇒$price\G&lt;br&gt;\n&quot;) }
#		else { &amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on','',&quot;$item &lt;br&gt;\n&quot;) }
#	}
#	print qq|なし&lt;br&gt;\n| if !$bg;
#	&amp;input('hidden','icount',&quot;$#items&quot;,'','');
#	print qq|&lt;hr&gt;\n|;
#	&amp;input('checkbox','sort','on','','並び替える');
#	&amp;OKbuttoninform('n');
#	print qq|&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;\n|;
#	&amp;form('end');
	my($mn) = $#items + 1;
	print qq|&lt;TD valign=top&gt;アイテム$mn/MAX$xi&lt;BR&gt;\n|;
	if (@items) {
		print qq|&lt;SELECT name=&quot;mode&quot;&gt;\n|;
		print qq|&lt;OPTION value=&quot;use_after&quot; selected&gt;脱着・使用\n|;
		print qq|&lt;OPTION value=&quot;dump_after&quot;&gt;捨てる\n|;
		print qq|&lt;/SELECT&gt;&lt;HR&gt;\n|;
		foreach (0 .. $#items) {
			($item,$sts,$price) = split(/△/,$items[$_]);
			if ($sts =~ /Li/) { print qq|&lt;FONT color=&quot;red&quot;&gt;|; }
			if ($sts =~ /Q[swat]/) { &amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on',&quot; id=$_ checked&quot;,&quot;【$item】&lt;BR&gt;\n&quot;); }
			elsif ($price)         { &amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on',&quot; id=$_&quot;,&quot;$item⇒$price\G&lt;BR&gt;\n&quot;); }
			else                   { &amp;input('checkbox',&quot;$_&quot;,'on',&quot; id=$_&quot;,&quot;$item&lt;BR&gt;\n&quot;); }
			if ($sts =~ /Li/) { print qq|&lt;/FONT&gt;|; }
	} else { print qq|なし&lt;BR&gt;|; }
	print qq|&lt;/TD&gt;&lt;/TR&gt;\n|;
#-END of EDIT- SOSWiki0011v1.02-5-3/5
#-END of EDIT- SION0011v1.03-5-3/5

<B><FONT color="#0000FF">perl/motion.cgi # Sub Dump After # Line27 </FONT></B> <BR>
<b>&amp;splititem('i'); </b><br>
<TEXTAREA name="textarea25" cols="100" rows="4" wrap="OFF">
	return if ($Fm{'icount'} != $#items);
#-END of ADD- SOSWIki0011v1.02-6-4/5
#-END of ADD- SION0011v1.03-6-4/5

<B><FONT color="#0000FF">perl/players.cgi # Sub Partner's Data # Line104-106 </FONT></B><BR>
<b>if ($sts =~ /Q[swat]/) { print qq|【$item】&lt;br&gt;\n| }<BR>
elsif ($price &gt; 0) { print qq|$item⇒$price\G&lt;br&gt;\n| }<BR>
else { print qq|$item&lt;br&gt;\n| }</b><br>
<TEXTAREA name="textarea22" cols="100" rows="5" wrap="OFF">
		if ($sts =~ /Li/) { print qq|&lt;FONT color=&quot;red&quot;&gt;|; }
#-END of ADD- SAIL0011v1.00-7-5(1)/5
		if ($sts =~ /Q[swat]/) { print qq|【$item】&lt;br&gt;\n| }
		elsif ($price &gt; 0)	   { print qq|$item⇒$price\G&lt;br&gt;\n| }
		else					 { print qq|$item&lt;br&gt;\n| }
		if ($sts =~ /Li/) { print qq|&lt;/FONT&gt;|; }
#-END of ADD- SOSWiki0011v1.02-7-5(2)/5
#-END of ADD- SION0011v1.03-7-5(2)/5